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This is Dr. Shihab Kappan M.B.B.S

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Gallbladder – Location (Anatomy) and Pain

By on December 9th, 2018 in Anatomy and Body

It is absolutely thrilling to learn about various organs of our body. Though many organs are of common knowledge, certain organs stay away from the understanding of common folk. Gallbladder is such an organ that stays hidden inside human body and in the minds of anatomists and doctors. Gallbladder is a hollow organ which is […]

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Gallbladder Cleanse – Benefits, How to do (VIDEO)

By on September 28th, 2018 in Uncategorized

Gallbladder stones (Cholelithiasis) and inflammation (Cholecystitis) mostly (80%) do not cause any symptoms. The stones in gallbladder are generally asymptomatic and are found during investigating for other problems. In symptomatic cases, the most common symptom is pain in the abdomen. The location and details of gallbladder pain can be viewed in detail by clicking here. […]

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Jaw Pain

By on July 1st, 2018 in Anatomy and Body, Pain Management

Causes of Jaw Pain There are many causes of jaw pain. Those that cause pain on either one side or both sides of the jaw are: TMJ Disorders It is the most common cause of jaw pain, and it is more common among women. Signs and symptoms include pain or tenderness in the jaw, pain […]

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Gallbladder Attack

By on March 1st, 2018 in Pain Management

Most of the people have heard the term ‘heart-attack’ which occurs due to issues in blood supply of the heart muscles. But what is a ‘gallbladder attack’?. A sudden pain in the abdomen due to disease of the gallbladder is commonly referred to as gallbladder attack (1). This pain can be really scary due to […]

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Murphy’s Sign

By on February 8th, 2018 in Anatomy and Body

What is Murphy’s sign? It is a finding for differentiating the cause, by physical examination of a patient having pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen (1). This test is positive if the patient is having acute cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) (1). John Benjamin Murphy was the American Surgeon who described the […]

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By on February 6th, 2018 in Diseases and Conditions

What is Hypervolemia/ Fluid overload? When the blood vessels in our body carry abnormally high volume of blood, the condition is called hypervolemia (1). In fact, the fluid portion of the blood is higher in this state. Further in this article, we would be looking at what maintains the fluid balance, how hypervolemia occurs, their […]

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By on February 2nd, 2018 in Diseases and Conditions

What is Odynophagia ? Origin of the word ‘Odynophagia’ is from Greek (1). Odyno- Pain (1) Phagia- (phagein)- to eat. (1) So the word meaning can be considered as ‘Pain to eat’ or pain while eating. Definition of Odynophagia Painful swallowing is called as odynophagia (2). The pain may be related to particular food item […]

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HIV Rash

By on February 2nd, 2018 in Skin

Rashes itself is not a diagnosis or a disease but indicate an underlying condition, infection or drug reactions (1). Most of them are non-infectious or self-limiting. They may appear throughout the body or may be limited to different body parts. The name HIV rash itself is scary. Here the term ‘rash’ is not what scares, […]

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By on February 1st, 2018 in Skin

What is Lichenification of skin? Definition: Skin ‘Lichenification’ occurs when there is chronic irritation or itching of the skin that leads to thickening of the skin at the site due to repeated scratching (1, 2, 3, 4). It looks thick and leathery with prominent skin cracks and scales. Picture 1 : Image shows an area […]

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Sepsis and Septicemia

By on January 16th, 2018 in Diseases and Conditions

What is Sepsis and Septicemia? Definitions: Septicemia in simple terms can be said as infection in blood. This is the reason why it has been used with interchangeable terms such as ‘Blood Poisoning’, ‘Bacteremia’ and ‘Sepsis’. The infection in blood can be due to the organism itself being in the blood or may be due […]

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